Melania Trump Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos
|Melania Trump plastic surgery now becomes hot topic of discussion among netizens. The former model reportedly has some cosmetic surgery procedures done due to her unnatural appearance. The procedures are believed consisting of filler injection, nose job and breast implants.

The rumor of Melania Trump former model plastic surgery actually began spreading and becoming hot news in several magazines in U.S after some people saw her with 15 years younger appearance. Her face does not show a lot of aging signs, but it still appears smooth and flawless. Her nose also looks more projected while the breasts appear much bigger and fuller than before.
Did Melania Trump Really Have Plastic Surgery?
The easiest way to know whether a woman has undergone plastic surgery or not, it can be seen from the comparison between before and after photos. However, the result of this comparison does not always show the accurate results, thus supporting analysis is still needed like the testimony of a plastic surgeon and most certainly is the confession of the accused woman.
Judging from the comparison between before and after photos, her appearance indeed looks like projected through plastic surgery. The procedures of Melania Trump plastic surgery seemed including the use of Botox, nose job and breast augmentation surgery. Now, let’s analyze one by one!
Melania Trump Skincare with Botox Injection
According to the data statistic from American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Botox injection is claimed as the most often taken by middle-aged women in U.S especially for Hollywood celebrities. Many of the 40-year-old actresses reportedly have undergone this filler injection to get rid of the wrinkles from their face, so that their face skin will always look smooth and flawless.
In the case of Melania Trump plastic surgery, her face indeed still appears too smooth for her age. It has to be noted that her age is already 45 years old, but her face does not show any frown lines or excessive skin like many other women in her age. It could be the result of Botox injection.
Melania Trump Plastic Surgery: Nose Job or Rhinoplasty
The other face feature that she has enhanced via cosmetic surgery is her nose. Many people assume that Melania Trump nose job may be inspired by her stepdaughter Ivanka Trump plastic surgery. Keep in mind that Donald Trump’s daughter has also been reported to get rhinoplasty to improve the shape of her nose.

Based on comparing before and after photos, Melania Trump nose does look different than she used to be. Her nose now appears thinner and straighter than before. Looking at her latest nose, some plastic surgeons believed that the nose job was done very well, so that her nose still looks natural.
Melania Trump Boob Job or Breast Implants
Besides Botox and rhinoplasty, the wife of Donald Trump was also reported having breast augmentation surgery due to the change of her breast size. Many people see that Melania Trump breast size now looks bigger and fuller than before. It rarely happens to other 45 years old women to have very great breasts size if they do not have any breast implants.

Breast Implant or breast augmentation itself is not something new anymore for the models. There many of them also have undergone breast augmentation to increase the volume of their breast size. One of the models who were suspected having benefited from the procedure is Anna Faris. Her breast has improved twice bigger than she used to.
Did Melania Trump admit all the allegations? Until now the rumors of Melania Trump plastic surgery still has not been confirmed by her. It means that these speculations can be true or on the contrary. Nobody knows the exact fact.
Nonetheless, based on Melania Trump photos, some people strongly believe that she indeed has some procedures of plastic surgery done. According to them, the most noticeable evidence is her breast size which looks bigger and fuller for her age.
What do you think of Melania Trump plastic surgery rumors? Did her appearance especially her breasts look like as the result of cosmetic surgery? Feel free to share this post if you find something interesting in it!
she turned herself asian. she’s turning japanese.
I don’t get it. She looked better before. She doesn’t even look human now … she reminds me of one of those cyborgs in the TV series “Human”.
THAT’S IT! She reminded me of something also, and you just said it. She looks like the Elfin women in Hentai/Gaming videos. I agree. She looked better before.
Why can’t we women just accept our looks and age gracefully?
I would have given anything to look like Melania’s before shot, not the after shot.
Fern, you gotta all wrong dude. She’s supposed to epitomize the “I am rough, tough and sexy” look with that squinty looking eyes like Clint Eastwood.
She’s saying, “Don’t mess with me!” “Watchout!” “I’m a mean MFer and I kick…..”. That’s the modern surgical look that all women want.
She really thinks so? (LOL).
Not so much. She has always had small, squinty eyes. Though they are more prominent than they used to be. I think it’s quite unattractive on her!
She looks like a squinty bloatie boobed mannequin.
Come on people don’t be haters, if we lived in that world we would doing the same thing with plastic surgery enhancements.
Melanie has definitely had her eyes done… and her nose done… and a lot of fillers and Botox… probably Restalane and Juviderm… she may have even had a complete facelift because her hair is always combed into her face… she’s beautiful but u can tell she’s had a LOT done.
Well said. There are so many critical, mean spirited people in the world. It’s too bad they don’t realize that all we send out returns to us. Pity them.
Call her Caitlyn
Nothing is impossible from Trump and his family.
The lowest of the low even comparing to swamp people.
Sorry but she looks like a younger version of Joan Rivers, she’s been getting botox like crazy, none of our business anyway.
Melania looked best before the surgery on the breasts and the eyes and nose. She should have left all alone. I would have been glad to look like the Before, not the After. Why are we women so afraid. I am 63 and 5 ft 5 and weight 125. So I’m fine with that. I close my mouth after 7PM and don’t open it again until 11 AM so that is how I manage weight. IMHO, she was fine before. I don’t begrudge her beauty. I am not a jealous type of person.
Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. I respect that many people see Melania as beautiful. I just don’t see it. She’s horrid looking, IMO.
Maybe she is squinting because she is looking for Putin .
I find her very unattractive and plastic looking, with or without surgery. She always looks angry.
She was a pretty woman before the decision to change her looks. She now has an Asian appearance with skin that’s extremely tight and unnatural. Definitely a huge change. Can’t deny it. Not sure why you would want to look like the ” after”.
Really? I can’t imagine her ever being even halfway attractive. She looks like a gangly alien.
More like a mongrol
How about her elongated eyes?
She looks like a made u p man . with.blobs poor thing
Maybe she is squinting because she is looking for Putin .
As for Mrs. Trump and plastic surgery…face lift/work? I doubt it. Maybe Botox, as noted. More likely, she has had work done to make her eyes look more squinty (NOT attractive!). Could be cheek implants. Her cheekbones are unnaturally prominent. I still have t figured out how she ever got into modeling. She was an unattractive young woman who has aged into a less attractive middle aged el an.
One wonders why Donald is always ranting about being unwilling to grope women who, in his words, aren’t worth touching…like the porn star who claims he tried to seduce her…SHE was much better looking than any of just wives!
Melania looks stretched from the back of the head. She will need to tighten up on a regular basis if she wants to keep the plastic faced look. She would have been better leaving it to nature. What’s wrong with the natural look, poor lass needs a talking to.
her boobs look lumpy, its a bad boob job
Sorry, but aside from the comparable pics having different lighting, which makes all of us look different… all her pics appear that she looks the same. No surgery.
Why does she always scrunch up her face? Or, maybe she’s squinting. Whatever she’s doing, she looks horrible. I agree with the people who say she looks like a new breed of cat. And, not only is she dumb, she hasn’t even mastered the English language. I can’t understand a word she says. Maybe SHE needs to be deported.
Yes so true did someone look into her back ground. What else is there besides nude photographs
Lol. New breed of cat.
Ugliest First Lady ever. Her face looks like it hurts. Dumb as a box of rocks.
If she ain’t using Botox then she must be getting fat injection with the fat taken from her a$$. Just allow nature to do her thing.
Yes noticed her a has been getting bigger
In the photo comparison of her “before” in a bikini, and “after” in a gown, she looks better in the “before” picture. IMO there was no need to inflate her breasts.
She doesn’t look Asian. I’m Asian and my eyes aren’t that small! Her eyes look small because of her constant mean facial expression and her “smokey eye” eye make-up style, which doesn’t work when someone’s eyes are small and her eyes are naturally small.
I do agree she looks better natural without all that eye make-up and breast implants. She’s also not as young as her before, no make-up look pic and bodies and facial features change as people age.
I agree that she looked better before the surgeries. Of course, she was younger then too. I don’t like her squinty-eyed “skinned rabbit” look. That is NOT the look all women want. If I were to have plastic surgery (which I wont), I would just want to remove a few imperfections, NOT change my overall appearance.
Melania is a aging ex-hooker…oops I meant “escort.”
She looks unhappy, depressed or with a huge fake smile like she’s high. As for the boob job-they look ridiculous and must be very uncomfortable. She must be a joke at school pickups, What a mule to torture herself like that for such an old unattractive overweight red faced sugar daddy
I do not think this woman is beautiful. I find her frightening looking, and ugly as hell. I just don’t get it.
She’s had her eyes& nose done, cheek implants, lots of fillers and lots of Botox, and a complete facelift..
What difference does it make to anybody what she looks like. Why don’t you all put a picture of yourself out there so that we can all judge you. Shame on you people.
I agree with you…jaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i’m more worried about her speech. I can’t barely understand her. her heels are too high to be traveling. I’m afraid of her stumbling down stairs from an airplain
I knew that she had to have some work done she look to young for her age no wrinkles nose was too perfect and her breast where too full and lifted and her eyes looked like the cat woman different than before.
I agree With CMHunter She looked fine b4 all that! BS Surgery !!!!
Come on now, haters!! Ya’ll know she is just as pretty as she can be. Her skin is gorgeous. Nice clothes. Very very well put together! I know, it makes me a little jealous too that someone could look that great, but, I will get over it. Now, you do the same!!!!
It is obvious all of you ignoramuses are jealous. Melania is gorgeous, dresses fantastic, is intelligent and well spoken. You all want open borders but criticize her accent? What hypocrites you all are. Men think she is gorgeous too, by the by. Don’t let the green eyed monster eat you all up inside…..
why is she always posing ?