John Travolta Plastic Surgery | John Travolta Face Plastic
|John Travolta plastic surgery has made headlines in recent years. He reportedly has done some procedures of cosmetic surgery such as facelift and botox injection. This allegation is based on his appearance which looks too great for a 61-year-old man.

Did John Travolta Have Plastic Surgery?
The rumors of John Travolta face plastic began spreading after some viewers saw his different appearance in The People V OJ Simpson. Many of them were ‘distracted by his face’. Since then, they began to speculate that the 61-year-old actor could have some work done, so that his face looked like ‘melted’.
Judging by before and after photos, viewers predicted that the procedures of John Travolta’s plastic surgery were a facelift and it might be followed by the use of filler injection like Botox. See the picture below!

Can you see the similarity? Left and right is the same person, John Travolta. Left picture was taken in 1994, but the right side is the recent photo of Travolta in American Crime Story: The People V OJ Simpson.

From the comparison above, it is very clear that Travolta now appears with two very bushy arched brows, a deep chestnut tan, shiny tight forehead. It is believed as the effect of facelift surgery and too much Botox injection.

With new look, a lot of people almost unable to recognize Travolta in his role as lawyer Robert Shapiro.
Since he appeared with unrecognizable look, he got a lot of critics from his fans. Many of them are wondering about what happened to John Travolta Robert Shapiro as what we can see in the screenshot below!
Did John Travolta admit that he had undergone some plastic surgery procedures?
Since his name became trending topic in Twitter due to his dramatic and unrecognizable look, the rumors of John Travolta plastic surgery still remains unconfirmed.
Although he has not confirmed anything about the rumors, but judging by before and after photos above viewers believed that the speculation of John Travolta plastic surgery can be an undeniable fact. What do you think?