Enhance Your Bust Naturally with Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

There are many reasons why a woman might want to improve the size and shape of her breasts. Some want to correct unfavorable changes in breast size after pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss. Others experience sagging as they age and want their breasts to appear fuller, perkier, and more youthful. Whatever the reason may be, considering breast augmentation surgery with fat transfer procedures Chicago can help you get the look you’ve always wanted.

Augmentation procedures with fat transfer have been improving steadily through recent years due to advances in safety protocols and improvements in surgical techniques. Many women who previously could not undergo breast augmentation surgery safely because of larger implants now have better options, thanks to these advancements.

What is fat transfer Breast Augmentation?

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Fat transfer is a procedure that involves using liposuction to remove fat from one area of the body (we will refer to this area as the “donor site”), such as the abdomen or thighs, and injecting it into the breast. The fat cells in the donor site then develop into new breasts, which can be shaped and sized to match the original recipient’s breasts.

What is Breast Augmentation?

It is a medical procedure in which breast implants are inserted to change the breasts’ size, shape, and fullness. The current FDA-approved breast implants for women can be made from silicone or saline-filled sacs and are placed either under the breast or over the muscle.

Patients who are in good general health and have realistic expectations about what can be achieved through this procedure are good candidates for breast augmentation with fat transfer. Good candidates should also have realistic expectations about their appearance after surgery. Your plastic surgeon will discuss your options with you during your consultation.

What’s the difference between breast augmentation and breast reconstruction?

Breast Augmentation with fat transfer involves taking fat cells from one area of the body and implanting them in the breast in the hope that they will develop into new breasts.

Breast reconstruction is performed after a woman has had a mastectomy. During breast reconstruction, an implant is placed within a breast prosthesis to create an artificial breast. The use of placement of an implant over a breast prosthesis is called augmentation mammoplasty.

If you’re considering reconstructive surgery as opposed to cosmetic surgery, your plastic surgeon will help you decide which procedure would be best for you, based on your individual needs.

Should I get a fat transfer breast augmentation?

If you’re thinking about getting breast augmentation surgery, fat transfer breast augmentation is a good option for women who:

1. Who desires an increase in breast size

2. Who would like to maintain their natural breasts

3. Have had previous breast problems (breast surgery, breastfeeding) and have lost size & shape

Who should not get a fat transfer breast augmentation?

1. People who smoke: the fat cells from a smoker’s body will not survive the surgery.

2. Patients who are not in good general health and have unrealistic expectations about what can be achieved through this procedure: good candidates for fat transfer breast augmentation should also have realistic expectations about what they will look like after surgery. Your plastic surgeon will discuss your options with you during your consultation.

3. Obese people: fat cells from obese people will not survive the surgery.

4. People with medical conditions that can interfere with the healing or recovery process: good candidates for fat transfer breast augmentation should also have realistic expectations about their appearance after surgery. Your plastic surgeon will discuss your options with you during your consultation.

Fat transfer breast augmentation is generally a safe procedure if performed by an experienced surgeon. However, like any major procedure, there are risks and complications that you should discuss thoroughly with both your surgeon and plastic surgeon before undergoing this operation. It is also important to review any possible risks and be sure that you are comfortable proceeding with the procedure before signing any surgical consent forms.

Who performs fat transfer breast augmentations?

Plastic surgeons perform fat-transfer breast augmentations. Patients typically will have a consultation with their plastic surgeon or other physician specializing in plastic surgery first. He/she will perform a physical examination and complete a full medical history to make sure that your breast augmentation is safe for you based on your health history and general state of health. Your plastic surgeon will then decide whether you are a good candidate for fat-transfer breast augmentation.

What happens during the procedure?

Breast augmentation with fat transfer is an outpatient procedure, which means that you can go home the same day as your surgery. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, which means that you will be completely asleep and pain-free. However, some surgeons may offer sedation as an option to patients who want to stay awake for the procedure.

The operation will take about two hours or less, depending on the size and shape of the breasts. Your surgeon will make an incision around the areola (the pigmented area) of each breast and remove a small amount of excess skin.


Fat cells are extracted from a small area of your body (such as your abdomen), separated into fat cell clusters via centrifuge, and injected into small pockets created by your surgeon beneath each breast using a surgical device. Six months is what it takes to see the result but the result stays for life. It doesn’t fade. It stays the way it was made.

What are the risks of fat transfer breast augmentation?

Since this procedure involves transferring fat cells from another part of your own body to an area where they do not normally grow, there is a chance that you may feel some discomfort during and after the procedure. This will generally include pain in other areas near the incision and swelling in this location for several days.

A breast cyst is another potential risk of fat transfer breast augmentation. As with any surgery, there is a chance that infection could occur, although this is a rare occurrence. Fat cells are obtained from another area of the body and transferred under local anesthesia. If the fat cells are small and immature, they may be rejected by the body, and you can lose them if you get pregnant after your surgery.

What are the benefits of fat transfer breast augmentation over breast implants?

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a significantly less expensive procedure than breast implants. Fat transfer breast augmentations are also considered minimally invasive since they do not involve surgical incisions. This means that you are likely to experience a lower rate of infection and scarring following the procedure.

Breast implants, on the other hand, are much more expensive and involve more invasive surgery since breast implants require incisions to be made in your breasts during the operation. Implants are also associated with risks of capsular contracture (scar tissue buildup) as well as other complications that can occur if the implant leaks or deflates over time.


It’s important to remember that this is a major surgical procedure and that there are risks associated with fat transfer breast augmentation. However, it also has the potential to give you an attractive new shape and size for your breasts. Many women who have had fat transfer breast augmentation are thrilled with the results and feel it was worth the effort.

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