Roma Downey Plastic Surgery Before and After
|There are many ways to keep the youthful appearance. One of the most preferred ways is through plastic surgery procedures. Roma Downey who is best known as a Northern Irish actress is reported having some beauty surgeries. Some people notice that her appearance still looks too great for a 53 years old woman. Her face still appears fresh and ageless, as if it is hard to see the aging signs on her appearance.
Did Roma Downey Have Plastic Surgery?
The answer that comes closest to the truth of the above question is that she does have some cosmetic surgeries. To determine what type of plastic surgery she had, let’s review some comparison before and after pictures below.

Based on the comparison of Roma Downey before and after photos, her appearance does not change a lot. She still looks as attractive as when she was young. There are not a lot of aging signs around her face but it still appears tight and smooth.
Commonly, a 53 years old woman should have some wrinkles and sagging skin around their face as the part of natural process of aging. But in fact, Downey’s face still looks ageless. Therefore, it made some celebrity watchers speculate that she had been under knife for facelift and Botox injection.

Plastic surgery seems to be normal thing for celebrities whose aging problems. Many of them reportedly got some beauty surgeries to fight against the aging signs. And, if we look at her appearance, she was apparently successful in managing the aging signs via plastic surgery, so that it is hard to see the frown lines around her face.
The first sign of Roma Downey plastic surgery is her facial skin which looks so tight. It may be as the result of facelift surgery. This surgical procedure seems to become the most common procedure for middle-age women to keep their youthful look as well as for Roma Downey.

Facelift surgery has not been perfect if it is not combined with Botox injections. The use of filler injection will make the skin look smooth and fresh. And, if we look at how Downey face skin is, it is pretty clear that she did not only have face lift but she could have Botox injection as well.
Another possible surgical procedure that she had undertaken beyond facelift and Botox is lips augmentation, some people notice that her lips look a little bit different than she used to. However, the truth of the plastic surgery rumor is still debatable due to lack of evidence.