Lee Min Ho Plastic Surgery Before and After
|Lee Min Ho Plastic Surgery has seized the attention of many plastic surgeons in Asia. Many of them try to review the possibility of a surgical procedure what he had. Almost all agreed that he had had some beauty enhancements around his face, nose, eyes and lips.
What Are Lee Min Ho Plastic Surgery Procedures?
Korean plastic surgery news recently has been stealing public attention since there was a report that 45% of Koreans reportedly have ever been under knife. See my previous post “South Korea Plastic Surgery Statistics” to get more information about the statistic of plastic surgery in Korean.
The latest news reports that a famous and talented Korean star, Lee Min Ho, has had some procedures of plastic surgery done. The rumor of Lee Min Ho plastic surgery began spreading since there were a lot of before and after pictures compared and uploaded on internet.
From the comparison of before and after photos, public sees that there are indeed some beauty enhancements on his appearance especially on his nose, eyes and lips. To give you more detail information about the procedures of Lee Min Ho plastic surgery, please keep scrolling!
Lee Min Ho Plastic Surgery Nose Job
It is not secret anymore that almost Koreans attempt to get nose job to refine their small and flat nose. Judging from Lee Min Ho before and after pictures, his nose indeed looks much different than before. His nose now looks more projected. It now appears slimmer with more pointed at the tip. It is believed as the result of nose job or rhinoplasty surgery.

If you are still doubt about Lee Min Ho nose job. Let’s see the before picture, his nose looks a bit wide and undefined yet. It is almost contrast to the latest pictures which show that his nose appears much better defined than he used to. Such nose shape transformation can only be done through rhinoplasty. If the change of his nose was due to the effect of makeup, the changes would not be permanent as we can see now.
Lee Min Ho Plastic Surgery Eyes
The other most favorite procedure of plastic surgery that almost Koreans take is double eyelid surgery. It may be caused since they are not comfortable with small eyes. Dealing with the possibility for Lee Min Ho to take the procedure, many plastic surgeons agree that his eyes now look wider than before. They believe that former star of Gangnam Blues film has been under knife for Blepharoplasty.

Let’s see the comparison between before and after pictures above! It is very clear than in “before” picture his eyes appear hooded. It makes him look droopy. After that, we compare to the latest pictures, his eyes do not only wider but they also seem to be more vivaciousness.
Lee Min Ho Plastic Surgery Jawline Reduction

There are still many debates whether he has been under knife for jaw reduction or not. But, based on the comparison of his pictures, he indeed seems to have different jaw which now looks much shorter and sharper. It is very contrast to his previous jaw that appears square. It may be as the result of jaw line surgery. Nonetheless, I cannot define that his different jaw due to plastic surgery.
Did Lee Min Ho admit all the speculation of plastic surgery? He himself has not ever given any statement regarding the speculation. Nevertheless, his agency “Star Haus Entertainment” strongly denied if he had been under knife. They just said that Lee Min Ho he was very good friends with a plastic surgeon.
Conclusion, public may not need his admission about his surgery rumors because they have seen that his appearance has changed a lot. Personally, regardless whether the speculation of Lee Min Ho plastic surgery is true or not, I think that his transformation really gives him a lot of benefits.
What do you think? Do you believe if he has really undergone some plastic surgery procedures? Feel free to share this post if you find something interesting in it. And never hesitate to share your comments as well.