Girls Generation Plastic Surgery Is Finally Revealed
|Girls Generation Plastic Surgery is actually not new rumor anymore. All of the members of South Korean girl group, SNSD, have been reported to have some plastic surgery procedures done even though many of them have tried to deny the rumors.
Girls Generation, well known as SNSD, is a girl group band from South Korea. The members of this group band are Taeyeon, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, and Seohyun. 2007 is the year when Girls Generation officially released the debut album with single “Into the New World”. Year by year the popularity of SNSD has been increasingly uphill and has released many albums. Even in 2013 the group band was awarded the YouTube Music Awards after the album entitled I Got a Boy was uploaded on YouTube and has been watched by 145,296,166 times.

Unfortunately, their success seems to be a little tarnished by rumors of plastic surgery. Yes, most or even all members of Girls Generation have been reported getting cosmetic surgery.
The rumor of Girls Generation Plastic Surgery began spreading when some of South Korean celebrity watchers saw there was something different on their appearance. And these changes tend toward the plastic surgery signs.
In order to make clear a rumor whether the members of SNSD have really been under knife or not, let’s see the pictures comparison between before and after pictures below. I will show you one by one.
Taeyeon Girls Generation Plastic Surgery
Everyone agrees if Taeyeon is a beautiful girl. But, who ever thought if her beauty was obtained through cosmetic surgery procedures. She might deny all the allegations of plastic surgery, but before and after pictures have shown plastic surgery facts.
What are the procedures of Taeyeon Plastic Surgery? Judging from the comparison before and after pictures, she seems to get double eyelid surgery and nose job or rhinoplasty surgery.

The sign of SNSD Taeyeon plastic surgery can be seen from the shape of her eyes and nose which look much different than before. Look at her eyes! They now look wide opened whereas they previously looked small. It indicates that eyelid surgery has worked well.
The other visible sign of Taeyeon SNSD plastic surgery can be seen from the shape of her nose which now looks thinner with much more defined at the tip. It has to be noted that she previously had wide and flat nose. The new shape of Taeyeon’s nose is believed as the result of nose job.
If we look carefully at the shape of her jawline, it now appears a little bit narrower than before. It can indicate that taeyeon plastic surgery does not only include eyelid surgery and nose job, but there is also possibility for her to get jaw surgery.
Sunny Girls Generation Plastic Surgery
The other member of Girls Generation group band that was reported having plastic surgery is Sunny, complete name Susan Soonkyu Lee. Many people see that her appearance has changed during her career in music industry. What is the procedure of Sunny SNSD plastic surgery?
If we compare between before and after pictures, the 26-year-old girl has been under knife for forehead implant, double eyelid surgery, and nose job.

The sign of SNSD Sunny plastic surgery can be seen from her forehead which is now considered appearing rounder than before. Meanwhile the recent eyes of Sunny indicate as the result of double eyelid surgery because they now look wide opened like western eyes.
The last sign that we can see from Sunny SNSD plastic surgery is dealing with the new shape of her nose. Not only Taeyeon whose slimmer nose after being under knife, but Sunny’s nose also appears thinner than she used to be. It can be the indication of nose job or well known as a rhinoplasty surgery.
Tiffany Girls Generation Plastic Surgery
The procedures of Tiffany SNSD plastic surgery are also believed including double eyelid surgery like Taeyeon plastic Surgery. The sign of this allegation can be proven from the shape of her eyes and nose.
If we look closely at the comparison between Tiffany SNSD before and after pictures, her yes look a little bit wider than she used to. This can be the sign of blepharoplasty surgery.

On the other hand, if we see the recent shape of her nose, it also appears thinner with better defined at the tip. Looking at Tiffany’s nose transformation, some people believe that she has been under knife for rhinoplasty surgery.
Hyoyeon Girls Generation Plastic Surgery
Hyoyeon becomes the next member of Girls Generation, SNSD, who is rumored having some plastic surgery procedures done. The girl, whose complete name Kim Hyo-yeon, now looks much more beautiful than before.
Based on the comparison of before and after pictures, Snsd Hyoyeon plastic surgery includes nose job and eyelid surgery. See her eyes! They now look wider and like western eyes. Hyoyeon’s eyes reflect the result of blepharoplasty surgery.

And, if we look at the recent shape of Hyoyeon’s nose, it seems to be the effect of nose surgery. Look her nose at the after pictures; it now appears thinner and more proportional with her face frame. With new shape of nose, her appearance now looks more mature and elegant.
At this point, I don’t believe any of SNSD managed to escape the plastic surgeon’s knife. Everyone we’ve covered so far has had something done. Most of the time it’s just the usual nose job / eyelid combo, but other times it’s been more invasive stuff such as forehead implants.
Yuri Girls Generation Plastic Surgery
Like the previous members of Girls Generation, Taeyeon, Sunny,Tiffany, and Hyoyeon, Kwon Yuri also reportedly had been under knife for double eyelid surgery and nose job.

Let’s see the how well SNSD Yuri plastic surgery is performed. If we look at the recent shape of her eyes and nose, they now appear much different than before. Many plastic surgeons predict that she indeed has had eyelid surgery and nose job.
Look at the shape of her eyes! They do not appear as small as before, but they now look like western eyes. This can be the sign of well done blepharoplasty surgery. On the other hand, if we see at the shape of her nose, it has changed as well. It now looks better than before, indication of rhinoplasty surgery.
Sooyoung Girls Generation Plastic Surgery
As we said before that all of the members of Girls Generation are reported having some plastic surgery procedures done, and now it is turn for Choi Soo-young who is alleged having beauty surgery. What are the procedures of Sooyoung SNSD plastic surgery?
Like many members of Girls Generation plastic surgery, she also reportedly got more than one rhinoplasty surgeries and jaw surgery. These speculations are based on the shape of her nose and jawline.

The sign of Sooyoung SNSD nose job can be seen from her recent nose which looks unnatural and much different than pre-debut nose. Look at the before picture, her nose looks wide with flared nostrils. Then compare to the recent one, it has changed to be thinner than before.
On the other hand, if we see closely at her jawline, it now appears less square. It can be as indication of jaw surgery. What about her eyes? Did she look like having double eyelid surgery like her friends?
Judging from the comparison between before and after pictures, her eyes also appear projected. They now look wider than before. Looking at the new shape of her eyes, some celebrity watchers believe that Sooyoung has been under knife for eyelid surgery.
Yoona Girls Generation Plastic Surgery
Many people consider that Yoona has had much more plastic surgery procedures than other members of Girls Generation. She reportedly got nose job, jaw surgery, Botox injections, and breast augmentation (breast implants). However, the truth of this rumor is still being reviewed by a lot of Asian plastic surgeons.
Nevertheless, there is no harm to see the following comparison between before and after pictures in order to know whether she has much more plastic surgery procedures or not.

Judging from before and after photos, her nose and jawline have definitely changed. However, we are little bit doubt if she has been under knife for breast augmentation and Botox injection. Our doubts are based on the absence of significant change in the size of her breasts. They still look natural. Even if they look different, it’s all possible as the effect of using push-up bra.
Seohyun Girls Generation Plastic Surgery
The last member of Girls Generation who reportedly had plastic surgery procedures done is Seohyun. She is reported to have nose job, eyelid surgery, and Botox injections.
Some people notice that her eyes now appear like western eyes. They believe that it is as the result of blepharoplasty surgery. They also see that the shape of her nose has changed as well. The change on her nose may be caused by nose job or rhinoplasty surgery.

And the last procedure of Seohyun SNSD plastic surgery is dealing with her face skin which looks smooth. It is believed that she keeps her face skin by having filler injections like Botox. However, we are still little in doubt if she has had Botox injection because her age is still young and there is no a lot of aging signs on her face. So, there is no use to take Botox injections. However, no one knows the real one.
Those are the reviews of Girls Generation Plastic Surgery. One thing that we can take from the kpop plastic surgery is that nose job, double eyelid surgery, and jaw surgery become three of cosmetic surgery procedures which are often taken by celebrities in South Korea.