Catherine Zeta Jones Plastic Surgery Pictures
|Many celebrity watchers are now talking about Catherine Zeta Jones Plastic Surgery. They wonder how her appearance can change in very short time. Since then, they began comparing between before and after photos of the winner of Academy Awards in 2003.

According to some reputable sources, Catherine Zeta Jones was reported having some plastic surgery procedures such as face lift, forehead lift, Botox injections, breast implant, and liposuction. Is that true? Let’s take a look the following plastic surgeons’ review!
Catherine Zeta Jones Plastic Surgery: Facelift and Forehead Lift
It is not denied any more if Catherine Zeta was recognized as a beautiful and charming woman. However, who would have thought behind her beauty saved a lot of mystery. Yes, rumors say that her beauty is not natural, but she obtains it from plastic surgery.
Many people consider that her face looks very unnatural because at the age of her 46 years old, she still looks attractive without many signs of aging around the face. They suspect she has gotten a face lift and forehead lift. Their allegations are based on her face skin which still looks very tight and smooth. Look at her forehead! There are not crows’ feet lines over there.

Commonly, 46 years old women will have the aging signs like wrinkles, crow’s feet lines, and saggy skin around their face as the sign of natural process of aging. But, it does not apply to Catherine Zeta Jones. She can still appear fresh and beautiful though her age is already middle-age.
Catherine Zeta Jones Plastic Surgery: Botox Injections
Facelift and forehead lift will not give perfect result if they are not combined with Botox injections. Therefore, plastic surgery experts do agree if Catherine Zeta has gotten these injectable fillers to get rid of the wrinkles and to refine her face skin. However, some celebrity watchers consider that she has gone too far with her filler injections. As a result her face now looks extra smooth.
Looking at the result of Catherine Zeta Jones plastic surgery face, her face indeed looks free from wrinkles. But unfortunately, the skin of her face appears too smooth and frozen, so that her face does not have expression lines at all.
Catherine Zeta Jones Nose Job or Rhinoplasty Surgery
The rumor of Catherine Zeta Jones Plastic Surgery nose began spreading when some people saw the shape of her nose had changed to be narrower and sharper than before. They see that the nostrils appear smaller while the nasal bridge looks much better defined. With new nose her appearance looks more elegant and gorgeous than she used to be.

Looking at the new shape of Catherine Zeta Jones nose, some plastic surgeons do believe if the Welsh actress has gotten conservative rhinoplasty surgery, so that it is hard to see its signs. As if, her nose looks natural without any surgical procedure done.
Catherine Zeta Jones Breast Augmentation or Breast Implant Before and After
Besides plastic surgery face, plastic surgeons also predict that Catherine Zeta Jones also got breast augmentation (breast implants). Their speculations are based on her breast size which looks relative bigger than she used to be.

However, the truth of Catherine Zeta Jones breast implant rumor is still debatable among many plastic surgeons. Some of them agree if she has been under knife for breast augmentation, but not a few of them also claim that her cup size still appears natural without implants. They consider that the change of Catherine Zeta Jones breast size is all because she has lost weight.
Catherine Zeta Jones Plastic Surgery: Liposuction
The other part of Catherine Zeta’s body that triggers the speculation of plastic surgery is her abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Some people notice that her body now looks thinner than before. They wonder if the former star of Broken City film has gotten liposuction to make her body look in such way.

However, the fans of Catherine Zeta Jones claim that the speculation of liposuction is not true. They convince haters that she has lost weight during diet program in the past. Therefore, they think that it is not wonder if her body now looks slimmer than she used to be.
Regardless of whether Catherine Zeta has gotten lipoplasty or not, her recent body shape really indicates as the result of liposuction. Look at her stomach, thighs, and butts! There are not excessive fats over there. And the most reasonable sign of liposuction, she obtains the proportional body frame in relative short time.