Beyonce Plastic Surgery Before and After
|Beyonce plastic surgery has been stealing many public attention and been becoming hot topic of discussion among celebrity watchers for long time. 34-year-old American singer and songwriter reportedly had several procedures of cosmetic surgery to keep her appearance after having given birth to her baby.

What Are the Procedures of Beyonce Plastic Surgery
There are many parts of her body that trigger the speculation of plastic surgery. Some people see that Beyonce has several beauty enhancements on her boobs, nose, and the latest one is around her abdomen. For more detail reviews about Beyonce Plastic Surgery procedures, let’s see the brief reviews below!
Beyonce Boob Job Before and After
Some people consider that Beyonce plastic surgery, boob job, was done early in her career. In 2002 she was reported to have breast augmentation or breast implants. This allegation is based on the size of Beyonce boobs which looks much bigger than she used to.
Though some people predict that Beyonce boob job was done in 2002, but the woman, who is not only best known as a singer but also as an actress, has never given any statements about the rumors. Therefore, many her fans are still wondering about the truth of these speculations.

To prove whether Beyonce boobs job is a fact or just a rumor, let’s see the following comparison between before and after pictures. We can see that between old breast size and the recent ones look much different. The previous boobs look small and flat, but “in the after picture” Beyonce bra size now looks bigger and fuller.
According to Dr. Anthony Youn, looking at the significant change in Beyonce bra size, He believes that Beyonce indeed looks like to have breast augmentation surgery, her breast size now looks much more proportional, not too big or too small, for her body frame.
On the contrary, Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer apparently is not sure if the famous singer Beyonce has been under knife for boob job. The surgeon revealed that the significant change on her breast size may be as the effect of weight gain or push up bra. What about you? Do you believe if she has really been under knife for a boob job?
Beyonce Nose Job Before and After
Besides breast implants, some celebrity watchers also notice that there is part of her face feature also seemed to be more projected. Let’s take a look at Beyonce nose! It now appears much better defined rather than she used to. Her nose now looks thinner with more pointed at the tip as if the nasal bridge has been narrowed by plastic surgeon through a rhinoplasty surgery or nose job.

You can also see her mother Tina Knowles plastic surgery to give you more consideration whether beyonce has had some surgical procedures done or not.
According Dr. Jason Hamilton, a director of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Osborne Institute, and a specialist in African American Rhinoplasty, Beyonce nose looks different due to the effect of makeup. She does not appear to have nose job like many people suspect.
Dr. Jason Hamilton also told that the comparison between before and after photos is not able to use as the evidence for an actor or actress, including Beyonce, having nose job. Regarding the comparison between before and after pictures of Beyonce nose job, he is very sure that the different shape of her nose is totally as the effect of makeup or different angle of photo shoot.
Beyonce Plastic Surgery: Liposuction or Fat Modeling
The latest news says that the director and executive producer of Life Is But a Dream, autobiographical television film, has been under knife for additional plastic surgery procedure namely liposuction. The allegation is based on Beyonce stretch marks which are almost invisible.
Generally, a woman who has just given a birth to the baby will have stretch marks around her stomach as a sign of a natural process of childbirth. But, what people see is that they do not see any stretch marks around her stomach, whereas they know that Beyonce does not look like having diet or even going for gym. They believe that it must be the result of lipoplasty surgery.
Conclusion, Beyonce Plastic Surgery still becomes mystery because the 34-year-old singer has not admitted nor denied the speculation. However, many celebrity watchers believe these rumors are true. With the advanced technology and techniques of plastic surgery, the patients can still look natural as if without plastic surgery.
What do you think about the rumors of Beyonce Plastic Surgery? Did she look like having some surgery procedures done? Feel free to share this post if you find something interesting in it.