Bar Refaeli Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures
Many people are lately talking about Bar Refaeli Plastic Surgery due to her different look. They see that her appearance looks a little bit different than she used to be. They think that her transformation is as the result of cosmetic surgery procedures.
Did Bar Refaeli Have Plastic Surgery?

The rumor of Bar Refaeli Plastic Surgery began spreading since some people notice her with different look, added with a lot of before and after pictures uploaded on internet. It makes them believe that she has really been under knife for her appearance enhancements.
Well, if this Israeli model has really gotten some surgical procedures done, the big question is what type of cosmetic surgery procedures she has gotten?
Based on before and after pictures, we notice that there are at least two parts of her body which are allegedly enhanced through plastic surgery. They are her nose and breast.

First of all, let’s take a look at the shape of her nose! From the comparison between Bar Refaeli before and after pictures, it is very clear that her nose now looks much different than it used to be. We guess that it may be as the result of nose job (rhinoplasty surgery). Bar Refaeli plastic surgery nose job has made her nose look thinner with more pointed at the tip as if the nasal bridge has been narrowed.
According to Dr. Walden, the shape of her nose now appears more proportionate to her face frame. The surgeon predicts that it is as the effect of conservative nose job.

The second part of Bar Refaeli’s body which is allegedly enhanced through beauty surgery is her breast. Some plastic surgeons see that her cup size now looks bigger and fuller than before as if there are implants inserted into the chest. They predict that she may get breast augmentation (breast implants), so that the size of her breast now can look so charming .
It is also said that Bar Refaeli has got liposuction. The sign of the surgical procedure can be seen from her abdomen whose two new moles in which they were not previously present. However, the truth of the liposuction allegation is still debatable.
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