Axl Rose Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos
|The rumor of Axl Rose Plastic Surgery may have been being discussed for long time, but some people are still wondering whether the rumor is true or not. Many people have been digging some information to prove whether the frontman of Guns N’ Roses has really been under knife or not. But unluckily, they do not feel satisfied with the existing information.
It is not denied anymore if plastic surgery has been a hot trend for celebrity in U.S even worldwide. It seems to be reasonable because cosmetic surgery can be a shortcut to obtain gorgeous and beautiful look in very short time.

The rumor of Axl Rose plastic surgery itself began spreading since she had reemerged, after being disappeared for a long time, with a very different appearance. Since then, there are many Axl Rose before and after pictures uploaded on internet and his name becomes hot topic of discussion.
Well, if he has really been under knife, what kind of cosmetic surgery procedures did he have? That’s what we will share to you. Keep on reading this post!
Based on the comparison between before and after photos, some plastic surgeons predict that Axl Rose plastic surgery includes facelift surgery which is possibly combined with Botox injection. The sign of his surgical procedures can be seen from his face skin which still looks so tight and smooth without a lot of wrinkles.

Although his facial skin is free from aging signs, but many people consider that his face now looks frozen. Even some his fans almost do not recognize him. It may be as the result of too much facelift and Botox injection.
The other sign of Axl Rose plastic surgery can be proven from the shape of his nose. Many plastic surgeons notice that his nose now looks different than before. It now looks slimmer and much better defined than it used to be. Looking at his nose transformation makes some plastic surgery experts believe that he could have been under knife for nose job (rhinoplasty surgery).

Is he enough with facelift, Botox, and nose job? No, some celebrity watchers think that he still has enhancements on his face features. They see that he may get cheek filler injection, so that his cheek still appears full. It is almost different with other men’s cheek in his age in which they have shown sagging cheek.
What is the respond of Axl Rose regarding the plastic surgery allegation? Did he admit if his frozen face had been as the result of cosmetic surgery?
Since this post has been published, there is no any official statement from Axl Rose. He still stays mum with the spreading rumor. Nevertheless, many people believe that he has really been under knife, so that his appearance looks much different and looks almost unrecognizable.
He looked handsome and took surgery to look ugly? Come on, if you want to show before and after photos it has to be from when he thought he was so ugly that it needed fixing and then the result showing changes. Not a picture of him young and pretty and than old fat and ugly and conclude “yep, that’s surgery”