Amanda Bynes Plastic Surgery Before And After
|Many people are shocked by Amanda Bynes’ transformation. Yeah, her appearance apparently has changed a lot. Her transformation make some people began speculating that she had changed her appearance through plastic surgery.
According to some sources she reportedly got some plastic surgery procedures such as nose job, breast implants or breast augmentation, and eye lift. Did she really have some surgical procedures done?
The rumor of Amanda Bynes plastic surgery firstly began spreading after she posted her new pictures in the twitter. Many followers are shocked with her new appearance which looks much different than she used to.
Many pictures which she uploaded show that she had several changes especially her breast size and nose. Amanda Bynes cup size now looks much bigger than before while the shape of her nose also looks much better defined than she used to be.

Looking at Amanda Bynes’ new breast size, some people believe that she must have been under knife for breast implants or medically called breast implant.
On the other hand, if we look at her new nose, it has clearly changed. It may be the result of nose job or rhinoplasty surgery.
Amanda Bynes’ nose now looks a bit smaller with more pointed at the tip. It looks much different than her previous nose which looks a bit wide and round at the tip.
The other sign of Amanda Bynes plastic surgery is dealing with her eyes transformation. Bynes’ brows now appear to be in changed position. Her eyes also appear wider than before. It indicates that she could have been under knife for eye lift.
Amanda does not yet release an official statement whether she has been getting some plastic surgery procedures or not to alter her appearance as we can see now. But, her new pictures on the twitter have clearly shown that her appearance has changed a lot.
Amanda Bynes plastic surgery may not be the only controversy that she made. In 2013 she was imprisoned for the possession of marijuana.