Adrienne Maloof Plastic Surgery Before and After
|It is not secret anymore if there are many celebrities in the world especially in Hollywood reportedly have plastic surgery. And, it seems to be a normal thing if they enhance their appearance via cosmetic surgery procedures. As we know that attractive appearance becomes one of the most important assets which they have to maintain.

Today, there are many celebrity watchers are talking about Adrienne Maloof plastic surgery. They believe that she had been under knife so that her appearance always looks ageless at her 40-year-old age. They predict that Adrienne’s surgery procedures include nose job and chin implants.
Adrienne Maloof Plastic Surgery: Before and After Photos

Based on before and after pictures, there are indeed some changes on her nose and chin. However, I cannot define if such changes are as the result of nose job and chin implants like many people believed because the actress herself has never given statement regarding the plastic surgery rumor.
If the rumor of Adrienne Maloof plastic surgery is indeed true, I believe that she was benefited a lot from her marriage to one of the famous plastic surgeons, Dr. Paul Nasif. It has to noted that Adrienne Maloof was ever married to plastic surgeon and she must get a lot of feedback about plastic surgery. Or even who did Adrienne Maloof plastic surgery was her own husband.

According to Dr. Franklin, the former star of the real housewife looks much different than she used to be. The surgeon believed that she had been under knife for nose job or rhinoplasty surgery, facelift, and Botox injection.
To prove whether what Dr. Franklin said is true or not, let’s take a look at the shape of her nose! judging by before and after pictures, Adrienne Maloof’s does look different than before. Her nose now looks thinner and more defined than previous years. The nasal tip also looks more pointed.

The other sign of Adrienne Maloof plastic surgery that Dr. Franklin revealed is dealing with the shape of her face, sign of chin implants. Maloof’s face now looks more pointed than before.
Meanwhile, her facial skin also makes him believe that Adrienne Maloof plastic surgery is indeed fact. The surgeon assumed that her facial skin looked too great for her age. Therefore, Dr. Franklin believed that she had been under knife for facelift and regular botox injection.