Bette Midler Plastic Surgery Before and After
|The rumor of Bette Midler Plastic Surgery may have become an old topic. But in fact, there are still many people are wondering about what kind of surgical procedures she had. Moreover, there are many disputes about the result of her surgery. Some people say that her appearance now looks a little bit weird after getting some cosmetic surgery procedures. But, not a few of them claim that her appearance still looks beautiful even fresh without a lot of aging signs.
Bette Midler Plastic Surgery Procedures

Based on the comparison between Bette Midler before and after pictures, many plastic surgeons predict that The Divine Miss M has gotten facelift, Botox injection, and other injectable fillers. For more detail information about what type of surgical procedures she had, let’s see the reviews below.
Bette Midler Plastic Surgery Facelift and Botox Injections
Facelift and botox injection may not be something new anymore for celebrities especially for middle-age actresses. Many of them reportedly had these beauty surgeries to get rid of the wrinkles in order to always look young and fresh.
If we look at the recent appearance of Bette Midler, her face now looks ageless with tight and smooth facial skin. Her face does not show many aging signs. It indicates that facelift surgery and Botox injections have worked well.

Unfortunately, the successful facelift surgery and botox injections seem to be tarnished with other injectable fillers. Many people judge that her appearance now looks a bit strange because she now appears with slightly puffy cheeks. This may be caused by too many injections in cheeks. Nevertheless, it cannot be used as the conclusion if Bette Midler Plastic Surgery gone wrong.
According to Dr. Anthony Youn, Bette Midler seemed to have too much Botox injections that had made her forehead appear waxy. The surgeon also revealed that she could have cheek fillers.
On the contrary, Dr. Val Lambros revealed that the sign of Bette Midler plastic surgery could be seen from her smile. However, he told that with or without plastic surgery, she still looked pretty good.
What is the response of Bette Midler toward the speculation of plastic surgery? Did she admit if she had been under knife to maintain her youthful appearance? Until now, there has been no official statement from her whether she had been getting cosmetic surgery or not. She still keeps silent whenever she was asked about it.
What do you think about Bette Midler’s ageless appearance? Did she look like having some surgical procedures done? Decide for yourself by looking at the comparison between before and after pictures above!